

Discussion Questions
1. What people or things do you try to ignore or get rid of?

2. How do you try to avoid them?

3. When has following God been unsettling for you?

4. When have you been on the losing side of a division that people make?  When have you been on the “winning” side?  What did you do?

5. What image of Jesus do you have in your mind?  How accurate, historically, do you think it is?

6. What does Jesus have in common with you?  What makes him different from you?

7. Is there a challenge Jesus is presenting to you that you’d rather ignore?

8. Why do you think people tend to prefer the simple and clear-cut over the ambiguous and nuanced?

9. Under what circumstances are you more likely to make judgments quickly, and when are you more likely to investigate the subtleties of the situation?

10. How does Jesus’ refusal to treat us according to a set of standards affect our penchant to assert our own version of right and wrong?

11. What are some features of your personality that you are sometimes ashamed of or wish you could eliminate?  How could they be an asset for you?

12. When have you acted or spoken with good intentions, only to discover later that you only made matters worse?

13. When have you suffered at the hands of those who claimed to be doing Christ’s work?  How did the experience affect you?

14. Under what circumstances are you likely to forget your own failings and condemn others instead?

15. Are there times when you have ignored or failed to pick up the role that God has given you to continue his work of grace?

16. Who is in your life now that you can touch?  How will you do it?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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