

Discussion Questions
We'll add questions if and when they're issued by the publishers. In the meantime, use our LitLovers talking points to help start a discussion for SWORN TO SILENCE … then take off on your own:

1. How would you describe Kate Burkholder? What kind of character is she? Is she a likable heroine? What are her flaws...and do they overwhelm her more admirable qualities?

2. Follow-up to Question 1—Kate comes across as a woman of strength and integrity. When do you begin to see cracks in that facade? Why are they there?

3. Why did Kate abandon the Amish way of life? What is her current relationship with the community? What special insights does her Amish background give her as she pursues the murderer. Talk about the way in which she balances the opposing cultures of "English" and Amish.

4. What if anything have you learned about the Amish culture? What surprised you?

5. Four officers work under Kate Burkholder's direction—T.J., Glock, Skid, and Pickles. Does the author do a good job of drawing these secondary characters? Describe them—their strengths and weaknesses.

6. What about John Tomasetti. Is he a good cop? How does he initially view Kate… and what makes him change how he views her? Talk about his own past and the way it's impinged on his career and on this investigation in particular.

7. Kate makes some questionable choices as the mystery unfolds. What explanation can be given for those missteps?

8. Sworn to Silence contains graphic descriptions of murder and rape. Does the writing  border on sensational… or are the descriptions necessary to further the plot? What do you think?

9. Were you surprised by the killer's identity? Does the book's ending satisfy? Or is it too predictable? If so, what did you know...and when did you know it? How well does Castillo plant her clues (they need to be planted but not obvious)?
10. What was your experience reading Sworn to Silence. The word "intense" is frequently used to describe the book. Did you find it too intense… or is the level of suspense just right?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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