

Book Reviews
To many, this book will be most appreciated for its powerful evocation of the everyday horrors of …a concentration camp, while others will be heartened by the novel’s message of how true love can transcend even the most hellishly inhuman environments.
Publishers Weekly

(Starred review) [C]ompelling…. Readers will root for the two despite the many obstacles they face. Verdict: Historical fiction and memoir fans will be gripped by this unforgettable Holocaust story. —Laura Jones, Argos Community Schs., IN
Library Journal

Although one might suspect that there’s far more to his past than is revealed here, much of Lale’s story’s complexity makes it onto the page. And even though it’s clear that Lale will survive, Morris imbues the novel with remarkable suspense.

[I]nside the day-to-day workings of the most notorious German death camp.… Morris interviewed Lale, teasing out his memories and weaving them into her heart-rending narrative of a Jew [who chose] to act with kindness and humanity in a place where both were nearly extinct.