

Book Reviews
Book reviews can be found at terrifying, Amazon, Indigo and Goodreads. What follows are excerpts.

"Terrifying Freedom takes you on a journey that you will not soon forget."

"Quite compelling and revealing."

"Your characters are so real and believable, and their struggles palpable."

"The story takes the reader into the secluded world of women religious who create a counterculture by living the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience in community while devoting themselves to educating children. The reader admires the exemplary commitment embodied in a spectrum of characters. Smith's sympathetic depiction of these figures accounts for the poignancy of the shadows that emerge from within the best of people. The narrative illustrates how a benevolent community can become a web in which no one speaks her own mind with the result that everyone is diminished. In a perfect world, freedom is terrifying indeed….
Michael Duggan, St. Mary's University, Calgary