

Discussion Questions
1. Why do you think Charlotte agreed to help Brian and take on the case? Do you agree with her decision?

2. Do you think the ends that Roger was seeking (saving Magda and her daughter) justified the means of his choices and actions? Did you find him likeable despite these choices?

3. What do you think drew Roger and Magda together so powerfully? How did their dynamic change throughout the book?

4. What do you think Magda really wanted?

5. What role does the clock play throughout the book? Are there commonalities in the way it touches people’s lives? Differences?

6. The relationships between the brothers in the book (Brian and Jack, Sol and Jake, Roger and Hans) are fraught with both affection and acrimony. What is it about sibling relationships that makes them so complex? Is it different when the siblings are the same sex versus the opposite?

7. Charlotte initially dislikes Jack. When does she begin to feel differently about him? What conflicts develop between them, and are they things that can be overcome? Is the fact that they’re both attorneys an advantage or a detriment to their romantic relationship?

8. How do you think Charlotte’s personal and professional lives influenced one another at the beginning of the book? Did that change?

9. With whom in the book does Charlotte most closely identify/relate? Why?

10. were you surprised at the way in which Johann, the farmer, went on to live his life after Rebecca died? How so?

11. Which character in the book was most tested by circumstance? Which was most transformed?

12. Did you think the events in the characters’ lives were driven by fate? Chance?

13. What do you think of Sol's perception that he was the lucky one because he got to remain in Berlin after Jake was forced to flee?

14. Where do you think Charlotte winds up one month after the end of the book? One year? Five years?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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