

Discussion Questions
1. Nora proves particularly adept at magic. Is there something about her personality that makes her a good magician?

2. Would you rather be a wizard or a magician?

3. Aruendiel never tells Mrs. Toristel that he is her great-great-grandfather, though Nora urges him to. Nora never tells her, either. Did Nora do the right thing? Would you withhold a secret like that from a friend or family member?

4. When Aruendiel brings Massy's little girl back to life, he turns Massy into an apple tree so she can feed her children. Was this a fitting punishment for the woman?

5. After the ice demon has sucked Dorneng's soul, Nora takes care of him (though he has just tried to kill her) rather than abandon him. Would you do the same?

6. When Aruendiel is trapped by an invisible prison, Nora uses math to break the spell. Are math and science the equivalent of magic in our world?

7. Nora translates Pride and Prejudice into Ors. Discuss the role of the novels and poems that appear in this book. What do they mean to Nora?

8. When Aruendiel casts the observation spell, Nora is able to see her family. Would you stay in a magical world separated from your family physically if you could communicate with them through such a spell?

9. Did you want to know more about the mysterious Kavareen? Would you trust it?

10. If you were to learn real magic, who would you rather have as your teacher, Aruendiel or Hirizjahkinis? Why?

11. Does Aruendiel change over the course of the book? Has he learned anything from Nora by the end?

12. Were you rooting for Aruendiel and Nora to get together at the end? Or Nora and Perin?

13. At the end of the book Raclin's ring is still on Nora's finger. Do you think she will return to the world of magic?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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