

Thirteen Reasons Why 
Jay Asher, 2007
Penguin Group (USA)
336 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781595141880

Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker—his classmate and crush—who committed suicide two weeks earlier.

On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he’ll find out how he made the list.

Through Hannah and Clay’s dual narratives, debut author Jay Asher weaves an intricate and heartrending story of confusion and desperation that will deeply affect teen readers.

Thirteen Reasons Why is the gripping, addictive international bestseller that has changed lives the world over. It's an unrelenting modern classic. (From the publisher.)

Author Bio
Birth—September 30, 1975
Where—Arcadia, California, USA
Education—Cuesta Community College and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (no degree)
Currently—lives in California

Jay Asher is an American writer of contemporary novels for teens. He was born in Arcadia, California, and grew up with a family that encouraged him to pursue his many interests—from guitar playing to writing. He attended Cuesta Community College after graduating from San Luis Obispo High School. It was here where he wrote his first two children’s books for a class called Children’s Literature Appreciation.

Deciding he wanted to become an elementary school teacher, he transferred to California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. But he left his senior year in order to pursue his career as a serious writer. In 2002 he married his wife Joan Marie. Those early years found him working in various establishments, including a shoe store, libraries, and bookstores. Many of his work experiences had an impact on some aspect of his writing.

Asher's first novel, Thirteen Reasons Why, became a 2007 New York Times best-selling young-adult fiction novel. It won several awards and received five stars from Teen Book Review, as well as high praise from fellow authors, including Ellen Hopkins, Sherman Alexie, and Chris Crutcher, and Gordon Korman.

His second novel The Future of Us was co-written by Carolyn Mackler and published in 2011. He has also written several picture books and middle school humor novels.

Asher is a fan of the TV series My So-Called Life and cites it as a major influence on his work.

Thirteen Reasons Why (2007). This is the story of Hannah Baker, a girl who committed suicide. She reveals her thirteen reasons for her decision in a series of seven audio tapes mailed to a classmate with instructions to pass them from one student to another, in the style of a chain letter. Through Hannah's recorded voice, her classmates learn the reasons why Hannah decides to take her own life. Besides Hannah, the reader also sees the story through the eyes of Clay Jensen, one of the recipients of the tapes. Asher was inspired to write due to incidents that happened in his high school.

The Future of Us (2011) This was co-written with Carolyn Mackler. This is the story of Josh and Emma, two teenagers who used to be best friends until a huge misunderstanding. In 1996, Josh helps Emma set up her internet, only to find Facebook—before it has been invented. There, they can see themselves 15 years in the future—status updates, information, friends, etc. Using Facebook, they are able to change their destinies. (Adapted from Wikipedia. Retrieved 10/09/2014.)

Book Reviews
This novel is the first for Jay Asher, and it is billed as a spectacular one. The reader learns that one cannot stop the future or rewind the past. This book is also billed as suspense. It may not be for everyone, and many may become bored and/or discouraged before the end, but, like other Razorbill books, it is challenging and interesting. —Naomi Butler
Children's Literature

From Hannah, readers realize the impact of thoughtless actions and comments. As Clay finishes Hannah's story, he becomes more perceptive and sensitive to others.... [T]here is depth to the novel. This provocative tale touches on universal topics of interest, is genuine in its message, and would be a good choice for high school book discussions and booktalks. —Judy Sasges

(Gr 7 Up.) High school senior Clay Jensen receives seven audiotapes in the mail. They contain the story of why Hannah Baker, a girl he adored, committed suicide.... He spends a torturous night listening and wandering, unearthing the depth and causes of Hannah's unhappiness.... [T]he breakneck pace and dizzying emotion are the true source of this novel's irresistible readability at all levels. —Johanna Lewis, New York Public Library
Library Journal

The text alternates, sometimes quickly, between Hannah's voice (italicized) and Clay's thoughts as he listens to her words, which illuminate betrayals and secrets that demonstrate the consequences of even small actions.... The message about how we treat one another, although sometimes heavy, makes for compelling reading.  —Dobrez, Cindy

(Starred review.) Asher has created an entrancing character study and a riveting look into the psyche of someone who would make this unfortunate choice. A brilliant and mesmerizing debut from a gifted new author
Kirkus Reviews

Discussion Questions
1. How does Hannah and Clay’s dual narrative enhance the story? What additional details are revealed through this method of storytelling that might have otherwise remained secret if the book had been written from only one of their perspectives? How might the story have changed if the book had been written from one of the other people’s perspectives instead of Clay’s? For example, Tony’s?

2. Consider the title of the novel. Are each of Hannah’s thirteen reasons of equal importance? Which do you find to be the most unexpected? Who is responsible for Hannah’s death? Why do you think Hannah committed suicide?

3. The inside of the book jacket for Thirteen Reasons Why pictures a replica of the map that Hannah leaves for each of the people named on her tapes. What does being able to visually trace Clay’s route through town add to your reading experience?

4. Discuss the role that the presence of Hannah’s voice plays as a physical presence on the tapes. Is the impact the tapes have different from the impression a suicide note would have left? Why do you think she recorded and left the tapes? If her story had been recorded on CDs or MP3 files would the effect have been different?

5. At the beginning of the first tape, Hannah says, "...there are thirteen sides to every story." What does she mean by this? Are there sides to her own story that Hannah doesn’t know? Do you think she would have made different decisions if she had had the chance to listen to each of the other thirteen sides?

6. Hannah references rumors that she hoped to get away from when her family moved. What do you imagine she meant? Define the word "rumor." What comment does this story make about rumors in general? Discuss how rumors and truth can be connected. Is one more powerful than the other? Can rumors be positive? Does Hannah’s story change your original point of view on this subject?

7. Hannah also says, "No one knows for certain how much impact they have on the lives of other people. Oftentimes, we have no clue. Yet we push it just the same." Discuss the concept of individual perception and how it contributes to how Hannah’s story plays out. What do you think she means by "pushing it"? Further on, Hannah says, "...I’m sure you must have thought, This can’t be why I’m on the tapes.

8. Mr. Porter tells Hannah that besides filing charges with the police,she has two options for dealing with what happened at the afterparty. He tells her she can confront the other person or move on. Do you agree that these are her only options? What do you think Clay was hoping Mr. Porter would say to Hannah?

9. Reflect on Hannah and Clay’s last words to each other in the hallway at school. Discuss their greater meaning within the context of the story. Compare and contrast their last words to the other times in the novel when these same words are uttered under different circumstances. How is it relevant that Clay hears Skye utter these words?

10. Discuss Skye’s role in the story. Compare and contrast her to Hannah. What do you think Clay says to Skye when he catches up with her in the hallway?

11. Why do you think the author ended the story the way he did? How do you think Clay is changed by listening to Hannah’s tapes? Do you think the tapes had similar effects on the other listeners? Do you think they all followed Hannah’s instructions in the same manner that Clay did? How do you imagine their experiences to be different?

12. Could anything have saved Hannah? If one link in this chain of events had been different, which one do you think would have made the most difference for Hannah? How would a change in that specific event have impacted the remaining portion of the other thirteen reasons that followed?

13. What will you remember from reading this novel?

14. Read Jay Asher’s responses to thirteen questions about Thirteen Reasons Why, which are printed in the back of the book. If you had you the chance, would you have asked Jay the same thirteen questions after reading the story? What else would you like to know? Which of his responses surprised you the most? How do his answers help you to better understand Hannah and the novel?
(Questions issued the publisher.)

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