

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1958 (?)
Raised—New York, New York, USA
Education—B.A., Hamshire College; M.A., New York University
Awards—(see below)
Currently—lives in Reading, Vermont

Yannick Murphy is an American novelist and short story writer. She graduated from Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts and received a graduate degree from New York University where she studied with Gordon Lish (writer and famed editor of Raymond Carver).

She has taught creative writing at the University of Southern California, University of California-Los Angeles, New York University, and Oberlin College in Ohio. She has also worked a variety of other jobs, ranging from personal assistant to famed journalist Carl Bernstein (All the President's Men) to the Hair Club for Men.

Yannick is the author of This Is the Water (2014), The Call (2011), Signed, Mata Hari (2007), Here They Come (2006), and The Sea of Trees (1997), as well as two story collections and several children's books.

She lives in Vermont, with her veterinery husband and their three children.

1990 Whiting Writers' Award
National Endowment for the Arts award
Chesterfield Screenwriting award
MacDowell Colony fellowship
The 2012 Winship/PEN New England Award. (Awards list from Wikipedia.)