

Discussion Questions
1. If you read Volume II, This Changes My Family and My Life Forever, which focused on the younger Spanners' views of the same five years of The Transition, what do you think are the major differences between their viewpoints ad those of the older Spanners as presented in Volume III? If you haven't read Vol. II, what do you think are the key age-related concerns expressed by these older Spanners in Vol III?

2. Compare/Contrast Epifanio Dang and Steve Jasny as partners/lovers for Clara Branon: pros and cons for each, type of person each is, type of relationship she has with each compared to her being on her own. Give your preference for her partnership status and reasons.

3. If you had to do a "Confession" as Clara does, especially in public, what would be your difficulties and why? What would you confess with the most ease and why? How would you benefit from having to do this?

4. What are your thoughts on the religious/spiritual aspects of Clara's life and those of other older Spanners in this series (Buddhism, Judaism)? What have you learned from this book and/or what would you like to learn more about due to having read this or other books on these subjects?

5. What do you think about the Many Worlds Collective's Interventions on behalf of Earthers? Favorites? Objections? Reasons? Consider: Tinting, dissolving national and regional boundaries and governments, Sequestering, making all education/Access free and available to all, hormonal adjustments to reduce/end violence and close most prisons, Excellent Skills Program trainings, communication with all species via the fish.
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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