

Discussion Questions
1. The Tiefling is a new kind of demon, different from a vampire. Did this kind of “creature” set well for this story? Did you find the introduction of a tiefling well-done or overdone?

2. The book is told in first person POV from two different people’s perspective. Does this work for the storyline or would just one POV have been better. Why/why not?

3. Did you get the flavor of old Scotland from the setting and descriptions? Did the old language add to or detract from the story? Did it make it harder to read or add just the right spice?

4. Fionna followed Branan to hell and back. Could you follow your lover to hell? Do people actually fall that far into love as to give up everything they know and have worked for just to be with that person?

5. Was the turning of Earc necessary for the story? Could Branan and Fionna fought through to the end without him? Did his turning add to the plotline?

6. What was their most intriguing adventure and why? The demon horse? Druids? Hounds of Hell? Elpeth? The harpy? Why?

7. Do you believe there is angel light in any of us? Could that be what drives some people like Mother Theresa? Are we connected to angels?

8. Did you find The Tiefling to be spiritual? Why/Why not?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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