

Book Reviews
Winman has crafted something of a small miracle here.… The slow build of emotion and the cascade of quet, well-earned tears are testament to how rich this meditation on love, art, loss and redemption truly is.
New York Times Book Review

Affecting.… [A] universalized fable of love and loss.
Minneapolis Star Tribune

Complex characterization and emotional astonishments.… These are real people, in all their anxieties and quirks, their good intentions and their unfortunate choices, just as we all are. And all this is an impressive accomplisment, even for a novelist who already seemed to know the truth about humanity by heart and could spill it onto the page with ease.
Toronto Globe and Mail

A spare, physically small novel that feels epic.… The book is filled, like brush strokes on canvas, with the quiet moments of kindness and true friendship that make up a life.
Winnipeg Free Press

The most therapeutic emotional journey of the year.

(Starred review) [An] achingly beautiful novel about love and friendship.… Without sentimentality or melodrama, Winman stirringly depicts how people either interfere with or allow themselves and others to follow their hearts.
Publishers Weekly

A love triangle in the age of AIDS…. The narrative shifts back and forth in time—not always smoothly— … [and] the writing is overwrought …too dependent on illness and accident.… [Despite] affecting moments, the book tries too hard to be… soulful.
Kirkus Reviews