

Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the goals of each of the characters as they return for their reunion: redemption, forgiveness, retribution, escape, inspiration, opportunity for a new direction, and reuniting with a lost love are all possibilities to contemplate.

2. How do the events during and immediately following their college semester abroad shape Bella’s future?

3. Discuss the reasons why people might stay in relationships that are destructive or unfulfilling.

4. Consider the good and bad life choices the characters make and how that impacts not only them, but also others.

5. Karen and Lee each acted in an inappropriate or "wrong" manner. Discuss how their actions might have helped one or more of their friends in the long run.

6. How do the characters each grow as a person during the course of the novel?

7. For each character, discuss whether the group’s friendship impacted the characters’ individual growth during their semester abroad, later during their reunion, or during both periods of time.

8. Stillman’s childhood molded his future in more than one way. Discuss how his future was shaped by his past, whether you would have made similar choices or not, and why.

9. Consider the varying reactions of the characters to stresses and disappointments in their lives.

10. What specific event or element of each character’s past do they fear will guide their future? (This could be an event, the continued search for an unfulfilled goal, or their previous mistakes.)

11. Consider how the individual characters were positively and negatively impacted by the existence of, or their need for, a family.

12. Compare how the characters’ different backgrounds impacted their lives, goals, and personalities.

13. Consider the importance of friends in your life and how they impact you during different ages.

14. Discuss reunions and your own fears and hopes when attending one.

15. Share your favorite or least favorite reunion story with your group.
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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