

Discussion Questions
1. Tressa is set in the late 1700's early 1800s. Does this time period work best for this story?  Could this story happen today?  

2. Tressa is a master baker. Very rare for that time period. Did it add to or detract from the story? How?

3. Ethan is handicapped. What do you think of a romantic hero in a wheelchair? Would you be attracted to a man/woman in a wheelchair?
4. In many romance novels, the two main characters fall into bed and love immediately. Is this realistic for the time period? How about for today? Do you like a quick fall then some conflict, or a slow build with the conflict?
5. Tressa starts her own business under the tutelage of Big Mo. She is Irish—very prejudiced against in that time period. Would this really have happened?
6. The author’s favorite statements in the book—“Ethan might have a broken body, but there was nothing broken about his deep and undying love for this Irish woman. In one evening, she proved to him beyond a shadow of a doubt that his manhood was not limited to one region of his body, and that making love was a total body experience.” Is making love a total body experience?
7. If you were writing the ending of Ethan and Tressa’s story, what would it be?
8. What did you think of Tressa’s relationship with Sarah? Was it appropriate? Why/why not?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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