

Two Seas: A Journey into the Heart of Italy
Lynn Rodolico, 2012
Eccolo Editions
400 pp.
ISBN-13: 9788890698699

An American woman happily married to an Italian and living in Florence for the past twenty years, unexpectedly finds herself falling in love-with Sicily. This beautifully written, deeply personal cross-cultural memoir, recounted with an astute foreigner-in-residence perspective, offers a graceful strategy for growing older: the wonders in store for those willing to exchange the symptoms of an empty nest for the veil of a second honeymoon.

By turns insightful and humorous, this seemingly simple tale of true happiness is chock-full of nuance: every page offers a glimpse of the sublime at the end of the rainbow. (From the publisher.)

Here's also a stunning video with original music of the spot in Sicily where the book takes place.

Author Bio
Birth—April 1, 1953
Where—Santa Monica, California, USA
Education—Univeristy of California, Santa Barbara
Awards—Book of the Month Award (France)
Currently—lives in Sicily and Florence, Italy

Lynn was born in 1953 in Santa Monica, California, and grew up in the coastal town of Pacific Palisades. Her earliest, happiest memories come from inventing stories beneath the large fruit trees in her backyard, and later, when she was old enough to roam, the dramatic pounding of the Pacific Ocean below the town’s cliffs. Despite the idyllic setting, it wasn’t until she left Pacific Palisades and her family that she began to feel at home.

Writing had always been a favourite pastime but it wasn’t until she quit her job as Administrator of Shakespeare and Company in Lenox, Massachusetts that she started writing full time. She gave herself one year in which to succeed or fail as a writer. To perfect her skills, first in the Berkshires and later in New York City, she wrote commercial novels in the Romance genre under a series of pseudonyms. Her success was quick and exceptional.

Her first published novel, Passion’s Flight sold 350,000 copies and was translated into seven languages. Her second novel, Heart and Soul, proved a greater success, both commercially and literary, winning the Book of the Month Club Award in France. Opening Bid was another best seller romance and was translated into eleven languages. Intimates moved out of the romance category, allowing for real character development, but its circulation was thwarted when her editor changed publishing houses and the book remained orphaned in the warehouse.

In 1985 she moved to Italy for a year to finish a novel, Wooden Nickels. On her first day in Florence she met Antonino Rodolico, the man who would transform her life from a solitary search to a unified communion. Two Seas is a fictionalized memoir of their life on an olive farm in the Tuscan hills and their unexpected love affair with the Island of Sicily. They have two grown daughters.

Lynn's most recent novel, Small Change, takes place in Italy and England. It was published in 2013. (From the author's website.)

Book Reviews
There are no mainstream press reviews online. See the author's website, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble for helpful customer reviews and reviews by other writers.

Discussion Questions
1. Two Seas raises the question: how much is enough?” Do you believe that simplicity can facilitate happiness?

2. Discuss the relevance of the book's title? Does its significance remain the same throughout the novel? What does it imply as an overall statement to the novel?

3. What is the meaning of the trice-repeated line: “Is it the clouds that reflect on the sea, coloring it in shades of gray and white, or the sea itself, turbulent?” Can an image alter the way we perceive the world? What is the significance of nature for Kate in Two Seas?

4. Kate describes the cheese making process as miraculous, while Eugenio dismisses it with a rational explanation. What is your opinion? Are there logical experiences in your life that you find miraculous?

5. What is the importance of the little pool in Two Seas? What does it reveal about Niccolo and Kate as characters?

6. Weather is a constant but changing presence in Two Seas, appearing in many guises: fog, mist, storms, winds. Are these images descriptive of the place or metaphorical?

7. What emotions were engaged as you read Two Seas? Were you saddened by the death of Edoardo? Convinced of Kate’s love for Niccolo? How did you view Niccolo’s relationship with his mother? His brother? Did any of these relationships feel similar to those in your life?

8. Do the Italian characters in Two Seas reinforce an Italian stereotype? Did you see differences between the Tuscan and Sicilian personalities? Did the author’s descriptions of Italy evoke the place? Elicit your curiosity? Has your perception of Italy and Italians changed after reading this novel?

9. How would you describe the Aragona family? In what ways does it differ from your family? In what ways is it the same?

10. What feelings are evoked from the description of the harvest of olives in Tuscany? Did it create nostalgia for a familiar time and place or give you a glimpse into an unfamiliar world? Is the author romanticizing hard work? Can you find a parallel example in your own life?

11. How would you describe Electra’s relationship with her mother? With her sister? What do you believe will happen between Electra and Bernardo after Two Seas finishes?

12. What is the significance of the animals present in Two Seas? Are they part of the depiction of place or do they serve a deeper purpose?

13. How does Kate’s flawed relationship with her father affect her rapport with the other characters in Two Seas? Is the relationship resolved during the course of the novel? Are there other relationships left unresolved?

14. Would you agree with Kate’s change in career from commercial success to artistic satisfaction? Do you believe she needed to leave the country to find her “still, small voice," as she says? How large a part, if any, does fate play in the events in Two Seas?

15. Were you surprised by the events in Two Seas or did you find the plot predictable? Would you describe it as a plot-driven novel or focussed on character development and setting?

16. What is the meaning of Il Faro—The Lighthouse? Why does it capture Kate and Niccolo’s attention? And what do they gain when they decide to let it go?

17. If you could ask the author a question, what would it be? Have you read other books by the same author? If so, how are they similar or dissimilar? If not, does this book inspire you to read others?

18. Has this novel changed you? Has it broadened your perspective? Have you learned something new about Italy? About yourself? Can you see yourself living the life the author describes?
(Questions from author's website.)

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