

Author Bio
Born and raised in New York City, Neil never expected to find himself anything other than a city dweller ….. until he married his wife, a veterinarian. “I went from living on Central Park South with two cats and a dead cactus from a prior relationship to living over an hour out of Manhattan in the middle of the woods with horses, a pig, dogs, cats, chinchillas and a parrot—and those were only the ‘domesticated” animals.’ We have since added two small humans to the mix.”

A partner in a large Manhattan law firm where he specializes in labor and employment law and litigation, Neil also works on animal rights and animal welfare issues on a pro bono basis. He’s been active in animal rights/animal welfare circles for over two decades, having served on the Board of Directors of the Animal Legal Defense Fund, as a founding member of the New York City Bar Association Committee on Legal Issues Relating to Animals and been recognized for his animal legal work by the ASPCA.

Together with his wife, he founded Finally Home-A Sanctuary for Animals, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing a safe haven for lost and abused animals in southern New York State. A percentage of the proceeds from the sale of Unsaid is being donated to Finally Home. (From the publihser.)