

Author Bio 
Birth—ca. 1932-33
Where—Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Education—B.A., University of Minnesota
Awards—4 Emmy Awards for Amos
Currently—lives in Montana

Stanley West was born in St. Paul, Minnesota. While growing up he got around town riding the streetcars. He graduated from Central High School in 1950. He attended Macalester College and the University of Minnesota, receiving a degree in 1955. He moved from the Midwest to Montana in 1964 and has made his home there since.

His novel Amos was produced as a CBS Movie of the Week starring Kirk Douglas and was nominated for four Emmys. The novel stirred national controversy over abuse of the aged in America. When Kirk Douglas testified before congress and wrote in the New York Times on the issue, he pointed out that animals had been protected by law for one hundred years before children or the aged. West's Amos focused on the aged. (From the publisher.)

West is also author of Sweet Shattered Dreams, Blind Your Ponies, To Ride a Dead Horse, Finding Laura Buggs, Until They Bring the Streetcars Back, and Growing an Inch. (From Wikipedia.)