

Discussion Questions
1. Is Maria essentially more self-absorbed, or more compassionate?

2. What motivates Maria's desire for Kate to be included in activities with, and accepted by, the daughters of the beas?

3. At what point, if any, can Maria truthfully say she doesn't care what Bea thinks of her?

4. Kate comments that Maria and Bea are alike. Do these two women have any similar attributes or flaws?

5. Are Maria’s observations about the beas always fair?

6. Which character is the least likeable?

7. What factors have contributed to Kate’s loss of confidence?

8. Is honesty or positivity more important when providing your child with feedback about their pursuits?

9. Would this story have played out similarly if the characters had been soccer mums (of boys) instead of netball mums?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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