

Discussion Questions
  1. Like Luke and Nari, do you have a favorite astronaut? If so, who? What about a favorite family member?

2. On p. 20, Mireille thinks "If her mother goes to Mars, then that will be the only story of Mireille’s life. It will wipe out everything." What do you think Mireille means? Discuss Mireille and Helen’s relationship. Is Helen a good mother? Is Mireille’s resentment justified?

3. In what ways do Helen, Sergei, and Yoshi work well together? In what ways do they frustrate one another? Discuss how their dynamics change throughout the novel.

4. At one point Dmitri thinks "The thing about pride, though, is it doesn’t fully occupy you. It’s like holding a sparkler. Basically, you just stand there with a light in your hand and look up" (p. 41). How do Dmitri’s feelings about pride shape his character? How does he feel about his father’s role as an astronaut? Do his feelings toward Sergei change by the end of the novel?

5. For Eidolon, the astronauts are each allowed to bring a very small bag for personal items. Yoshi brings acorns, while Sergei has photos of his sons. What would you take to remind you of home?

6. Is Madoka an artist? Why or why not? Do you agree with her concept of art?

7. How is marriage portrayed in the novel? Do you think Yoshi and Madoka’s relationship will be different when Yoshi returns? If so, how?
8. Discuss the intersection of art and science within the novel. Do these two fields approach exploration and discovery differently? In what ways is their approach the same? What, exactly, do you think the astronauts and their families hope to discover?
9. Luke notes that the thing that is most incredible about the astronauts is their level of control. Is this control a good thing or a bad thing? How does it affect the astronauts on their mission? How does it affect their relationships with their families?
10. What did you think about the ending? What mission do you believe the astronauts were on?

11. Setting aside the realities of training, if you had the chance to go to Mars, would you? Why or why not?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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