

Book Reviews
When [Lottie's] gap-year boyfriend Ben suddenly returns to her life and immediately proposes, Lottie jumps at the chance.... Lottie’s sister,...going through her own divorce, knows her sister’s impulsiveness well—so when Ben and Lottie head to a five-star resort in Greece for their honeymoon, Fliss uses her connections as editor of a travel magazine to try to prevent the pair from consummating their marriage.... [T]he story meanders...before delivering a surprise ending, but Kinsella fans will be charmed.
Publishers Weekly

There’s plenty of silly fun to be had in this charming comedy of errors.

[I]t's understandable that Fliss cannot prevent Lottie from impulsively marrying Ben, her old flame, and jetting off to the Greek island of their youthful adventures. With the help of Lorcan, Ben's business partner, who's rather aghast at Ben's precipitous departure, Fliss begins to orchestrate obstacles to Ben's consummating the marriage.... Kinsella has again created a fast-paced, hilarious comedy filled with bubbly banter and a charming cast of characters. The lovers (more self-deluded than star-crossed) are delightfully flawed, and the rivals are sweetly vulnerable. Bright, bouncy, engaging and perfect for filming.
Kirkus Reviews