

Author Bio
Birth—ca. 1969-70
Education—B.A., Princeton University; M.A., New York University
Awards—(see below)
Currently—lives in Newtonville, Massachusetts

Rachel Kadish is an American novelist, author of The Weight of Ink (2017), Tolstoy Lied: a Love Story (2006), and From a Sealed Room (1998), as well as the novella "I Was Here." She received her Bachelor's from Princeton and her Master's from New York University. Currently, Kadish teaches creative writing in Lesley University's MFA Creative Writing Program. She lives outside of Boston, Mass., with her family.

Her work has appeared on NPR and in the New York Times, Ploughshares, and Tin House, and has been anthologized in the Pushcart Prize Anthology and elsewhere.

Kadish has been a fiction fellow of both the National Endowment for the Arts and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, as well as a writer-in-residence at Stanford University. Literary prizes include the John Gardner Fiction Award and the Koret Foundation's Young Writer on Jewish Themes Award. (Adapted from the author's website. Retrieved 6/14/2017.)