

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these LitLovers talking points to start a discussion for What I Know For Sure:

1. What does Oprah say about the importance of time? Why is time so important to her? How important is time your own life? How well do you make use of it?

2. How has Oprah's relationship to her body, specifically the numbers on the scale, affected her life? Talk about how her thoughts about her body have evolved over time. Does her discussion of weight have any resonance with you?

3. In what ways—and more importantly, why—do we allow others' perceptions shape how we see ourselves? How does Oprah suggest protecting, even enhancing, our sense of self-worth? What determines an somene's "worth"? In fact, what is individual worth, how do you define it?

4. In the book Oprah says, "Anything can be a miracle, a blessing, an opportunity if you choose to see it that way." Is she right? Is our ability to face up to our troubles—some truly dire, even fatal—a matter of attitude? Does that hold true for you or others you know? How can attitude affect outcome?

4. Talk about gratitude. What does Oprah say about its role in life? How grafeful are you—and what are you grateful for? Is it easy to feel gratitude?

5. The definition of "crisis" is a turning point. Oprah says, "Right now, no matter where you are, you are a single choice away from a new beginning." How can we apply that to the crises in our own lives?

6. Are the lessons in this book valuable? Have any of them touched you personally, given you pause, and made you examine your own life? Can reading a book like What I Know For Sure change lives?

7. How would you describe What I Know For Sure? Is it a book of practical advice...or a spiritual guide? Is it a rehash of tired ideas and bromides...or are its ideas fresh and insightful?

(We'll add specific questions if and when they're made available by the publisher.)

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