

Discussion Questions
1. Which character did you most relate to and why? Was there any part of the book that made you laugh or cry? What was your favorite scene?

2. If you could spend the day with Grenadine, Kade, Rozlyn, the Hutchinsons, or Eudora, who would you choose and what would you do?

3. Grenadine says, about herself,

I’m a crack shot and can hit damn near anything…I’m a collage artist and painter…I used to have a little green house. I sold it. That was a huge mistake…I can smash beer cans on my forehead…I fight dirty. Someone comes at me, and my instinctive reaction is to smash and pulverize. It has gotten me into trouble…I have a temper, my anger perpetually on low seethe, and I have struggled with self esteem issues and flashbacks for as long as I can remember…I can wear four inch heels and designer clothes like wealthy women, make social chit chat, and pretend I’m exactly like them. I am not like them at all… 

Write down, and then share, how you would describe yourself.

4. Grenadine speaks in the first person. However, there are also police and children’s services reports, memos, letters from a doctor, a teacher, and Grenadine, a report card, a court transcript, and third person passages from the point of view of Bucky. Did the structure work for you? Why?

5. Marley, a customer at The Spirited Owl said,

Women are so picky. If you don’t look like Brad Pitt or you’re not rich, they don’t want you.

I said,

No, they don’t want you, Marley, because you look like you have a baby in your stomach, you’re unshaven, you drink too much, and all you want to do is talk about yourself and whine in that whiny voice of yours. Would you be attracted to you? No? Then why would a woman be?

Why did the author give Grenadine a job at a bar? What do you think of her bar tending and communication abilities? If she gave you advice while you were drinking a margarita,  what would she say to you?

6. What were the themes of the book?

7. Did the author portray Grenadine’s journey in foster care and the children’s services division workers accurately?

8. Why was Grenadine attracted to Kade? What did Kade have in common with her? Kade had spent time in jail because of gang related activities when he was younger. Would his    record have stopped you from dating him?

9. From Bucky:

She never should have gotten away.

That was a mistake. He had not expected things to take so long. It had always bothered him.

He liked things neat. Planned. Perfect.

He wanted to see her again. Before.

He would do it! He would think of a way.

He pulled four strands of hair out of his head, then made a design on the table in front of him.
He giggled. He twitched in his chair.
He told himself a nursery rhyme. He changed the words to create a new rhyme. He sang it out loud. He wrote it in his rhyme book.
He giggled again, then he hurdled his rhyme book across the room, tilted his head back and screamed.

What element did Bucky bring to the story? Did it fit?

10. Grenadine deliberately shot two men who were attacking her in her car, then kept shooting to scare them off and disable their vehicle. She did not report the incident to police. What did both actions tell you about her?

11. What did you think of Covey? Was there any good in him?
12. How did Rozlyn live? How did she die? Did you learn anything from her about living or dying? Would it have been more realistic, or a better ending for you, if Rozlyn had lived? Why do you think the author chose for her to die?

13. Grenadine said,

I paint what’s in my head. I paint whatever I’m thinking about at the time. I’ll twist it up, spin it out, add color, add layers, add collage items, and I keep going until it feels done.

If you were to make a painting or collage that would tell the story of your life, what would it look like? What materials would you use? What would it say about you? Grab the artist in you and sketch it out….

(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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