

Author Bio
Where—State of Virginia
Education—B.A., Duke University, M.A., Florida State;
   M.F.A., Boston University
Currently—lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Kimberly Elkins’ fiction and nonfiction have appeared or are forthcoming in The Atlantic Monthly, Best New American Voices, Iowa Review, Village Voice, Chicago tribune, Maisonneuve, Glamour, Prevention, Mcgraw-Hill's college textbook Arguing Through Literature, and Slice, among others.

She was a finalist for the 2004 National Magazine Award and has received fellowships from the Edward Albee and William Randolph Hearst foundations, the SLS fellowship in Nonfiction to St. Petersburg, Russia, the St. Botolph Emerging Artist Award, and a joint research fellowship from the Houghton Library at Harvard, the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe, and the Massachusetts Historical Society for research on her novel.

Residencies include the Millay Colony and Blue Mountain Center, and she was also the 2009 Kerouac Writer in Residence. Kimberly is the 2012 runner-up for the Nelson Algren Award and has also won a New York Moth Slam. She has taught at Florida State University and Boston University, and is currently a Visiting Lecturer and Advisor for the M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing at the University of Hong Kong, the first MFA in Asia.

Previous jobs include executive assistant to Harvey Weinstein at Miramax, and assistant to Elia Kazan at the Actors’ Studio Playwrights’ Unit. She has a B.A. from Duke University, an M.A. in Creative Writing from Florida State, and an MFA in Fiction from Boston University. Kimberly Elkins grew up in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, and currently lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. (From the author's website.)