

Discussion Questions
1.  Is this futuristic imagining of the direction of reality television believable?

2. What elements within this futuristic society have lead to the acceptability of the cruel treatment of those who've committed crimes?

3. Was Hannah's decision not to reveal the identity of either her baby's father or the abortionist justified?  What does this say about her character?

4. How do you feel about the baby's father and his decisions regarding not coming forward?

5. Discuss how the concept of religion is portrayed through the major characters: Hannah, her mother, her father, her sister Becca, the Henleys, Aidan and Cole.

6. Does Hannah change within the course of the novel? How?

7. What are your thoughts on Hannah's friend Kayla? In what ways is she different from Hannah?

8. How would you describe the halfway house run by the Henleys? Did it serve its intended purpose?

9. What aspects of Hannah and Kayla's flight struck you most? What experiences stood out for you?

10. Was the ending believable?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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