

Book Reviews
Zelda is a marvel, a living, breathing three-dimensional character with a voice so distinctive she leaps off the page.… When We Were Vikings is the tale of Zelda’s quest for autonomy, and MacDonald charts her course admirably.
New York Times

Heartwarming and unforgettable.

In this engaging debut novel, MacDonald skillfully balances drama and violence with humor, highlighting how an unorthodox family unit is still a family.… With Zelda, he's created an unforgettable character, one whose distinctive voice is entertaining and inspiring.
Publishers Weekly

To give structure to her life, Zelda follows rules and makes lists, but she discovers that life can be chaotic and complicated.… In this well-written and compelling novel, MacDonald conveys Zelda's particular challenges and succeeds in bringing her to life. —Jacqueline Snider, Toronto
Library Journal

MacDonald's first novel is a truly original story filled with love, tragedy, heartache, and triumph, and his heroine is sure to inspire readers to be legendary themselves.

In this engaging debut novel, MacDonald skillfully balances drama and violence with humor, highlighting how an unorthodox family unit is still a family…. With Zelda, he's created an unforgettable character, one whose distinctive voice is entertaining and inspiring.
Kirkus Reviews