

Discussion Questions
1. One of the themes in Where We Belong is what happens when we keep secrets. Discuss the reasons people keep secrets. Describe the secrets in this book and the reasons various characters had for keeping them. Do you think secrets and lies are one in the same? How do the characters in the novel accept or come to terms with the secrets they've kept or the ones that have been kept from them?

2. Discuss the issue of forgiveness in the book. Which character has the most to forgive? Do you think Conrad will ever be able to fully forgive Marian? Has Marian forgiven her parents? Has Kirby forgiven hers?

3. Kirby and Marian both change over the course of this story. What are the most significant ways they've changed? What risks do they each take? Was there any decision or action you disagree with on the part of Marian or Kirby?

4. Are people more influenced by their genes or their upbringing? How does this question relate to the events in the novel? How do you think the various characters in this book might define family?

5. Why do you think the author chose the title "Where We Belong"? What meaning, or meanings, does the title have in relation to the story and characters?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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