

Discussion Questions
1.  What is your opinion of the bitter family feuds and inheritance issues as they are depicted in Wilful Murder?
2. In what ways can you relate to the concept of hostile and greedy relatives and toxic family ties?
3. Since Wilful Murder is Book 2 of the Alicia Allen Investigates Trilogy, did it strike you as a “stand-alone” mystery tale, or would you suggest readers read Book 1, A Model Murder, first? What is the reason for your answer?
4. What do you see as Alicia Allen’s strengths and weaknesses as a lawyer/detective?
5. Do you agree with Alex that Alicia’s feeling of obligation to do the best for her clients goes too far sometimes?
6. What do you think about Alicia’s on/off relationship with Alex? Why do you think Alicia pushes him away when it is evident she is so attracted to him?
7. How does Alicia compare with the other female characters? What did you think about her relationships with other women in the story?
8. What’s your reaction to how Alicia handles authority figures?
9. How do you feel about the action that leads up to Drew’s murder? Did it surprise you? How did you think the story was going to develop?
10. How did you feel about Alicia’s heiress-client Isabelle, and what happens to her? Did you feel sympathy or empathy for her at the beginning? Did those feelings change? If so, how?
11. How did you feel about the way the “backstory” (past events told by various characters) was presented? Did it slow the action down, confuse you, or make you curious to learn more?
12. Most of the violent scenes are not shown to the reader. News of the deaths or “accidents” are relayed by “messenger.” How did you feel about this?
13. In what ways did the action being set in London and Australia (with murders taking place across different time zones and locations) help or hurt your enjoyment of this story?
14. What was your reaction when the identity of the murderer was revealed? What, if any, clues were you able to spot?
15. What role, if any, do you feel Fate plays in the story?
16. How do you feel about the way language and culture is portrayed? Did you learn anything new about Italian or Australian culture? If you are American, did you learn anything new about British and Australian language or food?
17. If you have read A Model Murder (Book 1), how did you feel about some characters in that book not reappearing or playing a bigger role in Wilful Murder (Book 2)? Please discuss why you were or were not disappointed?
18. Which characters would you like to see return to Book 3 (Murder in Hand)? If you have read A Model Murder, are there any characters there that you would like to reappear in the last book of the Trilogy?
19. Regarding Alicia and Alex’s on again/off again relationship, were you as interested in what happens with them romantically as you were in their solving the crime crime together? Why or why not?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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