

Discussion Questions
1. What did you think of the arranged marriage between Cai and Morgana? Which of them did you sympathize with more?

2. How do you feel about Morgana’s speechlessness? How do you think it helped or hindered her developing relationship with Cai. Did it make her harder for you to connect with as a reader?

3. Mrs. Jones became a very important person in Morgana’s life, what did you think of her? How might the story have been different without her?

4. Superstition and the supernatural (arguably!) played a much bigger role in society in 1830 than they do now— how did they impact Morgana’s new life at Ffynnon Las?

5. Did you find the landscape around Ffynnon Las attractive, threatening, or perhaps both?

6. Isolda uses her magic in very different ways from Morgana. Which of them do you think more closely conforms to most people’s idea of a witch? Why?

7. Did you see Reverend Cadwaladr as a victim, or a weak man who should have known the right thing to do?

8. The weather was almost a character in its own right in this book— would you agree with this statement? How much were you affected by it as you read?
(Questions issued by publisher.)

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