

Discussion Questions
1. This book is called You Cannot Find Peace Until You Find All The Pieces. Why would Marie Maiden have chosen it for the title of her book?

2. Talk about many of the broken pieces of the author's life that she writes about in her book?

3. The focus of the Marie's book centers around her desire to meet her long lost father. Discuss what it was it like for her as a child without a father?

4. The author explains in her book that she searched for her father, a search that lasted eighteen years.  Why didn’t she give up? What made her keep searching for so many years?

5. What methods did the author use to find her father?

6. During her 18 year long search for her father, Marie ended up locating the plantation where her  ancestors lived as slaves. What was it like for her to find the plantation home of her ancestors? What would it feel like for you?

7.  Chapter three of the book is called “No One to Watch Over Me.” Did you ever feel, like Marie, that you had no one to watch over you as a child growing up?

8. Marie writes in her book that she had a less than desirable childhood. How would you describe her childhood years?

9. The author also writes about her life as a teenaged mother. What were those years like for her?

10. Chapter four is called “Trying to Find My Way on My Own.” Was the author able to find what she was searching for?

11. Marie recounts in her book that, her child was born with some health problems. Was she ever told how her child's condition occured? Talk about those problems and the hardships they brought for all involved?

12. The author wrote about being a teenaged mother of a handicapped child and the issues faced raising her child. How difficult would it be to be a child yourself and, at the same time, raise a child with special needs?

13. The focus of Marie's book is her father and her desire to meet him, a man whom she'd never met. Why was she so intent on meeting him?
(Questions provided courtesy of the author.)

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