

Discussion Questions
1. Do you feel Nicola was selfish in abandoning her mother as she did?

2. Why do you think Mr Cazian was so hostile towards Nicky?

3. Could Nicola have handled Lars' controlling behaviour differently?

4. How real did the characters seem? Did you feel strongly about any of them?

5. Did you think Laura made the right choice, given her circumstances?

6. How do you feel the central character developed during the novel?

7. Would the prejudice met by some of the characters in 1960s London be any different now?

8. Do you feel Nicola was a victim?

9. Do you think the English class system was relevant in the story?

10. How did you feel about the way the book ended?

11. Did you consider the book conveyed any important messages?

12. Should Nicky have eaten the sausages for an easier life?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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