

Discussion Questions
1. What was the authorĀ¹s motivation for writing this book?

2. What kind of language does she use? Is it provocative or reassuring? Is it critical, inflammatory, accusatory? Is it passionate or compassionate?

3. Does the language help or undermine her motivation for writing?

4. What is one new fact of significance that you learned from reading this book?

5. Talk about specific passages or incidences that struck you as significant or interesting, profound, amusing, illuminating, disturbing, sad...? What was memorable?

6. Has the book in some way broadened your perspective or understanding of infidelity? If so, how?

7. Is there some other significant new perspective or understanding that you have learned from this book?

8. Did this book in some way offer you, hope and/or healing?

9. What are the implications for the future? Are there long- or short-term consequences to the issues raised in the book? Are they positive or negative...affirming or frightening? You may answer these questions for either our culture at large, or for you personally.
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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