

California Vines, Wines & Pioneers 
Sherry Monahan, 2013
The History Press
160 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781609498849

Grab your glass and take to the wine trail with food genealogist Sherry Monahan as she traces California wine roots in California's Vines, Wines & Pioneers. While cowboys and early settlers were writing the oft-told history of the Wild West, California's wine pioneers were cultivating a delicious industry.

The story begins when Franciscan missionaries planted the first grapes in Southern California in 1769. Almost a century later, news of gold drew thirsty prospectors and European immigrants to California's promise of wealth. From Old World vines sprang a robust and varied tradition of wine cultivation that overcame threats of pests and Prohibition to win global prestige. Journey with Monahan as she uncorks this vintage history and savors the stories of California's historic wineries and vineyards.

Included are over 60 wineries who are still in business and have a historical tie. **Includes 16 pp. color-photo insert** (From the publisher.)