

Discussion Questions
The publisher has yet to issue discussion questions, so use these LitLovers talking points to help kick-off a discussion for Chaos Monkeys...then take off on your own:

1. Are the denizens of Silicon Valley doing God's work as some of them claim? If they're not in the tech industry for the money, what are they in it for?

2. After reading Chaos Monkeys, how do you feel about those who work in the Valley? Even the author reflects on his own behavior as caddish: "I was wholly devoid of most human boundaries or morality." Is that hyperbole? Does that descirption apply to others in the industry, especially in the start-up business?

3. Talk about life in the big tech companies. Martinez compares it to life in Cuba or Communist China in 1965. He writes of the "endless toil motivated by lapidary ideas handed down by a revered and unquestioned leader." As you read his account, does his comparison hold up?

4. Talk about Martinez's time at Y Combinator, the industry's start-up accelerator.

5. Is Silicon Valley is a meritocracy, according to the author?

6. What does Martinez suggest are the implications of all the new technology? How is it...and how will it impact our culture? What do you think?

7. Is the book too heavy on technology? Or are Martinez's footnotes and explanations helpful. In other words, do they add to or detract from your enjoyment of the book.

8. What have you come away with after reading Chaos Monkeys? Does the author make you feel as if you're on inside of a start-up? Do you have a greater understanding or appreciation of the industry than you had before?

(Questions by LitLovers. Feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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