

Discussion Questions
1. If a wife is having outside affairs should she be honest and tell her husband?

2. Is the cougar relationship, older woman and younger man, a step forward or back in male female communication? Is a cougar woman letting herself in for real disappointment? Will the man sooner or later bond with someone closer to his age?

3. Can a woman safely travel to exotic spots these days with the world in such turmoil, terrorism, etc?

4. Does a mature woman have to make too many compromises to have a lover in her life? Will men back off, preferring a younger partner?

5. Can an intellectual woman prevail in relationships where the man expects her to keep her intelligence muted in order not to threaten him?

6. If a husband and wife's relationship is becoming dull, should they add a third to spice things up?

7. Can a husband and wife develop emotionally by their exposure to other, outside partners?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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