

Discussion Questions
1. Dianne refuses to cooperate with the authorities throughout the book. She states that she would never tell on her family, even at the risk of being incarcerated for forty years. Would you have done the same? Why or why not?

2. Dianne mentions more than once that Diamond loves her and she loves him. In light of Diamond’s actions prior to and after his subsequent arrest, such as using her car for nefarious reasons, sending her to pick up his money or drugs, and finally lying in court for his own benefit, do you believe that he truly loved her?

3. There are several instances where Dianne claims that she was "green" for example, not knowing that her son was selling drugs, not recognizing drugs, etc. Do you believe that Dianne was in fact an innocent or that naive? If so, why? If not, why not?

4. While on her cruise vacation, Dianne states that she only attracts drug dealers. Do you think this statement is a reflection of a lack of self esteem or a reason to excuse her own attraction to these types of men?

5. In Chapter 3, Dianne finds out that her son, Shon, has been selling drugs. When she asks him why, he states: "They put my daddy on crack, so I’m putting their daddy on crack." Do you think this is a valid reason to sell drugs? What would you have said to your child if you were in this situation?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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