

Discussion Questions
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Also, consider these general topics generously submitted to us by Jean Pirozzi, who led her book club's discussion of The Elephant Whisperer (thank you, Jean!):

1. All the work involved in buying, building, and maintaining a refuge like Thula Thula, including the financial and political considerations.

2. What would it take to work with an elephant herd:

  • Setting up a refuge to receive so-called "bad elephants," working with and handling them;
  • Social aspects of the elephant family, including acceptance of a new member and isolation of a single male;
  • Elephant mother's attempt—and efforts by the author—to save the new baby elephant;
  • Gaining the friendship and support of the tribes surrounding the refuge.
4. The social interaction of the "family" at the refuge—Francoise, dogs, the workers, as well as the author's grandchildren and family visits, etc.

5. Importance of keeping in contact with the many agencies involved with animal refuges.

6. The marriage proposal: good or bad? Was Lawrence tricked into marriage?

7. We also mentioned the author's other books, especially The Last Rhinos.

8. Anthony's death.

Jean told us that her group felt The Elephant Whisperer gave them the opportunity to explore the workings of an animal refuges—from business operations to animal care. "I've always felt elephants were interesting animals and now think so more than ever," she wrote.


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