

Everydata:  The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consume Every Day
John H. Johnson, Ph.D. and Mike Gluck, 2016
240 pp.
ISBN-13: 9781629561011

While everyone is talking about “big data,” the truth is that understanding the “little data”—stock reports, newspaper headlines, weather forecasts, etc.—is what will help you make smarter decisions at work, at home, and in every aspect of your life.

The average person consumes approximately 30 gigabytes – equal to the amount of 30 pickup trucks filled with paper—of data every single day, but has no idea how to interpret it correctly.

Everydata: The Misinformation Hidden in the Little Data You Consume Every Day (Bibliomotion Books, April 12, 2016) explains, through the eyes of an expert economist and statistician, how to correctly interpret all of the small bytes of data we consume in a day. Each chapter of Everydata highlights one commonly misunderstood data concept, using both real-world and hypothetical examples from a wide range of topics, including business, politics, advertising, law, engineering, retail, parenting and more.