

Author Bio
Where—State of New York, USA
Education—Ph. D., Tulane University; J.D.,
   Loyala Law School.
Currently—lives in Inner Mongolia, China

David P. Gontar was born in New York State in 1945. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy from Tulane University in New Orleans, and a J.D. from Loyola Law School. He has four grown children.

David served as Assitant Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Southern University from 1975 to 1982. Thereafter he was engaged in the practice of law in New Orleans, Louisiana and southern California. He is currently Adjunct Professor of English and Philosophy at Inner Mongolia University in China.

In 2010, he was the English editor of China's application to UNESCO for World Heritage Status of the Xanadu site in Inner Mongolia, granted by UNESCO in June of 2012.

David's writings have appeared in Southwestern Journal of Philosophy, Tulane Studies in Philosophy, Plantation Society in the Americas, Loyola Law Review and New English Review. He has monthly publications online at New English Review, including essays on Shakespeare, as well as poetry, aphorisms, parables, stories, and a platonic dialogue.

He hopes to be remembered as the fellow who once observed, "You can't push a wedding cake with a hat pin." (From the author.)