

Book Reviews
An enlightening, laugh-aloud read.... Filled with open, honest glimpses into [Rubin’s] real life, woven together with constant doses of humor.
Terry Hong - Christian Science Monitor

For those who generally loathe the self-help genre, Rubin’s book is a breath of peppermint-scented air. Well-researched and sharply written.... Rubin takes an orderly, methodical approach to forging her own path to a happier state of mind.
Kim Crow - Cleveland Plain Dealer

Practical and never...the rare self-help tome that doesn’t feel shameful to read.
Daily Beast

Rubin is not an unhappy woman.... Still, she could—and, arguably, should—be happier. Thus, her methodical (and bizarre) happiness project: spend one year achieving careful, measurable goals in different areas of life...and build on them cumulatively, using concrete steps.... Rubin writes with keen senses of self and narrative, balancing the personal and the universal with a light touch. Rubin's project makes curiously compulsive reading, which is enough to make any reader happy.
Publishers Weekly

[C]hatty and intriguing.... [A] yearlong quest for happiness...with specific activities for each month...helped [the author] define happiness and become happier with her very good life.... Peppering the text are quotes from a vast array of people who have considered happiness, including Aristotle, St. Therese, and Viktor Frankl. VERDICT This whole process might have come off as frivolously self-centered but for the excellent points Rubin highlights. —Margaret Cardwell, Memphis, TN
Library Journal

Packed with fascinating facts about the science of happiness and rich examples of how she improves her life through changes small and big The Happiness Project made me happier by just reading it.