

Book Reviews
Health and science expert [Timothy Caulfield] debunks the most powerful and persuasive messages being spread by celebrities when it comes to our health and well-being: what works, what doesn't, what is worth our time and money, and what isn't. A fun and informative read.
CBC Books

An exhaustively researched, hilarious take on how celebrity culture influences everyday life, from ill-fated attempts to make it big on reality TV to celebrity-endorsed diets and beauty regimens.
Emma Teitel - Maclean’s

Caulfield dispels the myths of celebrity-endorsed products and the cult of fame that they sell. More than ever, we view celebrities as paragons of success and emulate celebrity lifestyles.... An intelligent mix of research and pop culture, Caulfield's analysis of celebrity trends gets to the heart of America's obsession with the fame monster.
Kirkus Reviews