

Book Reviews
There is a reason why [O'Reilly's] books have been best sellers. Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard don’t simply discuss these historical figures, they take you there. The important related events of the time period, the other related characters in the story, the detail of the physical surroundings and the culture are described very well. I hope their next book is Killing Socrates.... Bill O’Reilly is upfront in the beginning of the book in regards to the historical challenges of this work compared to his other endeavors. He fully admits to contradictions in the scripture which was refreshing considering the amount of Christians who deny that there are any contradictions from cover to cover. But O’Reilly does partake in picking and choosing what versions of stories are in Killing Jesus and which ones are not.
James Kirk Wall -

Bill O’Reilly and writing partner Martin Dugard bring us their long-awaited “accurate account of not only how Jesus died, but also the way he lived.” This should settle two millennia of Christian debate. Although it lacks suspense (SPOILER ALERT: he dies), it’s a pretty good read and it’s fleshed out with tidbits about the ancient world.
Candida Moss - Daily Beast

From the outset, the authors make it clear that though they are Roman Catholics, they are not writing a religious book. Rather, they are writing a historical account of a historical figure “and are interested primarily in telling the truth about important people, not converting anyone to a spiritual cause.” They necessarily rely on the four gospels for their source material and often tell their story by directly quoting the Bible.
Tim Challies -