

Book Reviews
Stand up. Step forward. Speak out. Be smart and strong, and don't torpedo your own efforts in the workplace. That's the assertiveness for which Lean In is a landmark manifesto. Writing this book was gutsy.… Lean In will be an influential book. It will open the eyes of women who grew up thinking that feminism was ancient history, who recoil at the word but walk heedlessly through the doors it opened. And it will encourage those women to persevere in their professional lives.
Janet Maslin - New York Times

Sandberg…comes across as compassionate, funny, honest and likable. Indeed, although she refers early on in the book to a study showing that for men success and likability are positively correlated, whereas for women they are inversely correlated, she manages to beat that bum rap.… Sandberg’s advice to young women to be more ambitious…is framed here in more encouraging terms — "What would you do if you weren’t afraid?"— addressing the self-doubt that still holds many women back.
Anne-Marie Slaughter - New York Times Book Review

Sandberg examines the dearth of women in major leadership positions, and what women can do to solve the problem, in this provocative tome.… A new generation of women will learn from Sandberg’s experiences [in] this thoughtful and practical book.
Publishers Weekly

Taking examples from her own experience, Sandberg shows how expected gender roles work against women seeking top jobs.… A compelling case for reforms that support family values in the continuing "march toward true equality."
Kirkus Reviews