

Book Reviews
Let’s Just Say It Wasn’t Pretty could have been a cogent commentary on aging from the perspective of someone fighting a Hollywood system that marginalizes maturity. Instead, it’s an often too-flighty series of essays that la-di-das its way toward obvious conclusions, like the fact that attractiveness comes in many forms and colors, or that “while smiling is lovely...laughing is beautiful.” That may be true, but it’s also something most people knew before they opened Keaton’s book.
Jen Chaney - Washington Post

Relaxing and a dishy lunch with the movie star you thought you’d never be lucky enough to meet.... This is delicious writing and is full of a positive point of view, exclamations of the beauty of ordinary things and helped turn me from sour to sweet in the few hours that I was reading her book.... Diane Keaton is in a class by herself and this book is good for the soul.
Chicago Tribune

Wise, witty, thoughtful, uplifting, the truth, unvarnished—and very funny.
Toronto Star

Diane has now written a follow-up to her first best-seller, "Then Again." And this book is relaxing and charming, unlike everything else out there in the dark apocalyptic stacks. "Let's Just Say It Wasn't Pretty," well, it made me laugh out loud many times....This book is like a dishy lunch with the movie star you thought you'd never be lucky enough to meet. And Diane isn't coy, but she kind of is forever hiding her own stardom under a top hat or a derby. This is delicious writing and is full of a positive point of view, exclamations of the beauty of ordinary things, and it helped turn me from sour to sweet in the few hours that I was reading her book.
Liz Smith