

 Discussion Questions
1. What Are Your Key Life Events? As you look at your own life, what are the five key events that have made you who you are today, either connecting you to your sense of purpose or preventing you from realizing it? Think back to your early childhood, and review the challenges of adolescence. Maybe some of these moments took place in your early years of work, marriage, or child rearing. What five life events have shaped you?

2. What Makes Up Your Creative DNA? Your themes might be rooted in creativity: being a writer or actor or sculptor. For others, the themes might have to do with science or math or engineering. For me, it was travel and connectivity and being of service. Discuss the three themes that run through your life, and how you can begin dedicating more time to them.

3. What Are Your Accidental Opportunities? Take a look at your own life history and identify three accidental opportunities and discuss.

4. Who have been the accidental heroes in your life? The ones that sometimes gently, sometimes with greater force, have pulled you out of the muck, and reminded you that you are not alone. Discuss three of them.

6. How Can You Throw Yourself Off Balance? Discuss three things that sound incredibly uncomfortable to you, and pick one to actually do…

7. Where are the miracles in your life today? Discuss three moments where you saw the magic in your everyday existence.

8. What are your gifts and how could you start sharing them? Discuss what you can do today to share your gifts with the world?

9. Which personal stories you tell yourself should you question? What expectations did others put upon you? Think back through those belief systems you were raised with. What values were considered most important? What type of life were you expected to lead? Discuss three of these expectations and how they have affected your life?

10. When Can You Stop and See the Magic of life? Where do you need to slow down today? Is it spending more time with your kids or family? Is it watching the sunrise in the morning or the sunset at night? What activities can you begin doing that will reconnect you to the magic in your life?
(Questions issued by the publisher.)

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