

Discussion Questions
1. How is the "love" described in this book different from how people typically talk about "love"? What other words have you heard used to describe what she is naming as "love" in this book?

2. Have you ever suffered from love deprivation? Are you suffering from it now? What are your typical symptoms of love hunger?

3.  Summarize, in your own understanding, the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and actions.

4. Which triggers have you been using to experience love thus far? Which are you still using? In your own words, why is it dangerous to rely on triggers?

5. How has your understanding of your true identity changed from reading this book?

6. Why does Vironika call fear an autoimmune disease?

7. What is the relationship between healing and self-knowledge? How can this relationship help you with your own journey?

8. Are there specific ideas or passages in the book that turned into "Aha!" moments for you? Which ones? What major epiphanies did you have about your life?

9. How applicable are Vironika's journey and teachings to your own life?

10. How will you take Vironika up on her "challenge" in the final chapter? Do you share her dream for humanity?
(Questions issued by the author.)

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