

Discussion Questions
1. What was your first impression of the title Magnificent Obesity? What sort of book did it suggest to you? Did you find the use of the word obesity uncomfortable or off-putting? What is your impression of the title now? (Return to this question when done.)

2. Anxiety has been described as an existential fear of self, of who we are and how we feel as human beings. Have you experienced anxiety as this fear of self?

3. Discuss and share your own anxiety attacks, panic attacks and phobias. Did you ever wonder if they were trying to protect you and if so, from what? How much of your anxiety would you attribute to nature and how much to nurBture? What methods do you find most effective in managing your stress?

4. Much has been made of the distinction between being religious and being spiritual. What does the distinction mean to you?

5. How do your spiritual beliefs shape your life, from living day-to-day to experiencing overall purpose and meaning?

6. What does Martha mean when she says she is fighting for her soul?

7. How does Martha’s fear of abandonment contribute to her addictions?

8. If you feel comfortable doing so, discuss your own addictions, past and present. How have they affected your ability to achieve your goals or to be the person you want to be?

9. Discuss our culture’s war on obesity, its unrealistic ideals of beauty and its interference with the development of one’s body image. Discuss how one’s body image effects self-esteem, behaviors and performance in life.

10. What does Alec mean when he tells Martha, "The food is your way of keeping God out?"

11. Do you agree with Martha that the only way to truly heal and become whole is to grieve, to fully experience the pain of one’s past and that the best way out is through?

12. How has Martha’s obsessive fear of death shaped her life?

13.The book’s key relationship is that between Martha and her mother. How does it resemble your relationship with your mother/parent; how does it differ? How do these relationships change over time?

14. Do you consider the baptism a fitting way for Martha to celebrate her sixtieth birthday?
(Questions courtesy of the author.)

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