

The Milk of Female Kindness:  An Anthology of Honest Motherhood
Kasia James et al, 2014
223 pp.
ISBN-13: 9780992389116

"Mother" is a word heavy with associations.

Becoming a mother is surely one of the biggest changes and challenges in a woman's life. It is at once an absolutely unique experience, and yet one which is so common that it is often overlooked. Motherhood is intense, relentless and absorbing, in all senses of the word.

Popular culture seems to have a split personality when it comes to motherhood - at once holding it up as a sacred ideal, and yet being a little dismissive of women as mothers.

A diverse international group of women have been brave enough to share their stories, poetry and artwork to encourage you to think and feel about this most influential of relationships in a new and enlightened way. (From the publisher.)

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