

Discussion Questions
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How to Discuss a Book (helpful discussion tips)
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for Queen of the Road:

1. What was the impetus behind Orion and her husband's bus trip? Why did Orion agree to go along?

2. What particular anecdotes, experiences, or adventures did you find intreresting...or funny?

3. What did Orion learn during her year? What kind of personal growth or transformation did she undergo?

4. Talk about the relationship between Tim and Doreen during the year and how they resolved their differences.

5. Could you see yourself in Orion's shoes, doing what she and Tim did?

6. Some criticism of the book (above) is that Orion's focus was not on the sights and experiences of the journey itself, but on the narrow concerns of domesticity. Do you agree? If so, did you want more from the book? Or do you feel the book is precisely about those concerns, rather than the larger world the two traveled through?

(Questions from LitLovers. Please feel free to use them online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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