

Author Bio
Nathalia Holt is an HIV researcher and science writer who is author of the books Cured: The People Who Defeated HIV (2015) and Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars (2016). She lives in Boston, Massachusetts, with her husband and children.

Holt's most recent position has been as a research fellow at the Ragon Institute—a joint project of Massacuhsetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard University. Prior to Ragon, her education and work took place at the University of Southern California, Tulane University, and Humboldt State (Bioloigy, class of 2002).

Her work has appeared in numerous publications including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times,  Atlantic, Slate, Popular Science, and Time.

Her research as a science writer took place at the Jet Propulsion Lab archives, the Cal Tech Library, and the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America at Harvard. (Adapted from Wikipedia and the publisher. Retrieved 4/24/2016.)