

Discussion Questions 
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Also consider these LitLovers talking points to help get a discussion started for The Road of Lost Innocence:

1. One of the primary questions, of course, concerns Somaly Mam's incredible courage. What inner strengths does she draw upon that enable her to overcome her own degradation and reach out to help others?

2. Were you surprised by Somaly Mam's book? If you were previously unaware of sex slave trafficking, what does that say about the level of awareness of others in the nation and around the world? What else have you heard, watched, or read about this issue? Has it received the attention it deserves in this country? If not, why?

3. What more should be done to increase awareness and to eventually halt the practice of sex slavery? Is Mam's crusade sufficient? What more needs to be done...or, realistically, can be done?

4. Is there one special incident or individual or moment in this book that moved you more than any other?

5. Does this book move you to become personally involved in this issue. What can you, or any one individual (or small group) do to ameliorate the problem of sex slave trafficking?

(Questions by LitLovers. Please feel free to use them, online or off, with attribution. Thanks.)

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